Are you a Success or Unlucky Trader ?


W ork of the trader in the world financial markets, psychologically is far not from the simple employment. Every day it is necessary to maintain the emotional attacks proceeding from yourself. How to choose a right moment for an input in the market? To take away profit now or still it is a little to wait? When to close a position? All these crisis moments are capable to deduce from emotional balance practically any trader.

As a rule, in the currency markets of success those who have learned not to come under influence of the emotions. Such traders are capable “to saddle” a trend during the moment of its birth, and to close the position not late, but also not early, namely when this closing will make for them the maximal profit. They are the real professionals.

Emotions, such, for example, as fear, pleasure, arrogance are the first enemies of the trader. Having made some first successful transactions, the beginning trader can think, that he is unique, and all other rules not for him. And even if some following transactions will be unsuccessful, it all is equal from the belief will not refuse.

The main sign of the unlucky trader is the instability. His trade at currency market reminds a swing:
When upwards -> success, pleasure, pride
When downwards -> loss control, depression
The skilled Forex broker holds the emotions under the control, and does not suppose them to management of the account.

It is necessary to register and estimate the exchange activity objectively. It is rather useful to keep a diary, in which it is possible to reflect and analyze interesting constructions on schedules of the market. Besides it is necessary to observe in the strict image rules of the control over the capital. Quite probably, that on own self-estimation you will spend as much forces and time, as many and for an estimation of position at a stock exchange. But, it’ll pay you back.

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